TCDM organizes courses in degree programs of Biomedicine (BSc and MSc), and for medical students in Biomedical Research Track.

Advanced Special Studies

TCDM offers projects either based on literature research and data handling or laboratory work for advanced special studies (syventävät opinnot) with study points tailored for personal needs. Projects are part of ongoing research in the field of disease modeling.

PhD Theses

Students in Medicine and Dentistry are encouraged to join the groups in TCDM for their PhD studies already at early stage of studies. PhD students with biomedical or biological background studies are also welcomed to apply. TCDM can offer expert guidance and relevant research topics.
University of Turku Graduate School UTUGS and Doctoral Programmes

Leena Strauss

Adjunct Professor in Experimental Endocrinology

+358 50 371 4018
